Brady the Beagle-August 2023
Greetings my furry And feathered friends , (and humans too!!) …
I hope you and your humans are enjoying this nice warm weather….
But don’t overdo it !!!
PLEASE Ask your humans to watch for signs of HEATSTROKE !!!
Sadly, This is very common for pets at this time of year, especially if they have long and/or thick coats !!
Since dogs only sweat through their paws, this means that it’s a lot harder for them to deal with in order to cool off !!!
There are several ways to fight heatstroke:
- a dog cooling mat (I have a “cool paws” Matt, which is sooo refreshing to lie on, and doesn’t require refrigeration!
- Plenty of cold water (I Like mine with plenty of ice!!)
- I also like to be misted with cool water…!!
- Provide plenty of shade if outdoors
- Limit time and strenuous play outdoors
- Also, contact your vet and have your dog checked out ASAP if he/she exhibits any signs of Heatstroke!!
- Short walks in shaded areas
- Wipe foot pads with isopropyl alcohol
- Stay off hot pavement and roadways… they can reflect and intensify the heat, not to mention burning paws…. Walk on grassy surfaces.
- If your dog will tolerate them, use doggie boots to protect paws.
Don’t forget to remind your humans that Allamuchy Day will be Held on August 12, 2023, celebrating 150 years!!!
The celebration will begin at 4:00 pm – 10:00 pm. There will be fireworks, food trucks, beer & wine tent, axe throwing, kids activities, hot air balloon, Allamuchy Fire Dept., Allamuchy/Green first aid squad, vendors, community organizations, and special guests!!!!
Hope to see you all there … rufff … Rufff.. rufff… !!!
Now for some dog park news … rufff.. rufff… rufff… arooooooo…..!!!
We have had a very successful membership campaign this season, numbering over 100 members and counting!!!! AROOOOOOOO…!!!!!!
We will also have a table at the Allamuchy Day celebration, so look for us there!!!
Well, I guess that’s all for now, and will see you next time.
Ciao for now,
Brady the Beagle