908.850.6448 or 617.680.0628 info@allamuchydogpark.org
Cloudy the Great Pyrenees

Seeing Eye Dogs guide their blind partner through crowds, through street traffic, etc and are a genuine companion to their owner.   If you are in Morristown during the early part of the day, you can see the Seeing Eye Dogs working with their trainers and also their owner to be.  The Seeing Eye Dog is totally committed to his/her owner.

      “The Seeing Eye, Inc” was founded in 1929 in Morristown, NJ.  It is the oldest and largest guide dog school in the United States.  The “Seeing Eye”  is a fully accredited member of the U.S. Council of Guide Dog Schools and the International Guide Dog Federation.   The Morristown “Seeing Eye” is an important researcher in canine genetics, breeding, disease control and behavior.    They are a non-profit organization and function totally on contributions.

       In 2001, the “Seeing Eye” built a breeding station on 330 acres in Chester, NJ. Approximately 500 puppies are born each year, with a 75% success rate for dogs who enter the formal “Seeing Eye” program. 

     All the puppies at the breeding station are exposed to special play rooms which include toys, and a variety of stimuli that they will encounter in the outside world.  (I.E.  vacuums, music, thunderstorms, etc). Breeding female dogs are retired at the age of four and males after they have sired 8 to 10 litters.

      When the pups are 7 to 8 weeks old, volunteers  called “puppy raisers” will foster these puppies and begin their basic training and socialization.  The veterinary bills for each puppy is covered by “Seeing Eye” and “puppy raisers” are also assisted in paying for dog food.  The four primary breeds that are used for Guide dogs  are Shepherds, Labrador retrievers, Golden retrievers, and Labrador/Golden crosses.  Sometimes Poodles are used for people with allergies.  The “Seeing Eye” trainees are welcome in all stores and manners  of transportation.  Puppies start out with an official Seeing Eye bandanna that indicates the pup is in training.  When the pup is about 12 to 15 months of age they  return to The Seeing Eye for its formal guide dog training.  You can go online to find an application to be a “Seeing Eye” foster volunteer. 

     Formal  training may take 4 to 6 months.   Once the dog has mastered Morristown, they are brought to New York City to train in a more intense environment.  Once the formal training is completed and the dogs have successfully graduated, they are partnered  with their new owner based on pull, dependability and personality.  Time is spent training the blind person to work with the guide dog.   The “Seeing Eye”, Inc., matches an average of 260 people who are blind or visually impaired each year. 

      Not all fostered pups make the cut to get further Guide dog  training  or enter the breeding program.   Those pups are offered back to their original foster family.  Some dogs are placed in law enforcement, or search and rescue. 

      Raising a Seeing Eye puppy is a great way for children to experience the value of giving back to the community, or retired folk to contribute their time for a good cause. 

       Our very own Warren County has a 4 H program called “PUPPY POWER- SEEING EYE PUPPY RAISING”.   This club raises puppies for the Seeing Eye.  Activities focus on socializing young puppies before they go for their Seeing Eye training.   If you are interested in joining this noble, worth-while  club, please look on line for Warren County, NJ  4 H.  

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