908.850.6448 or 617.680.0628 info@allamuchydogpark.org

Brady the Beagle-July 2024

Brady The Beagle says….

Greetings my two and four legged friends,

The “dog days of Summer” are upon us !! It is so oppressively hot and humid !!

I’ll bet all you pups out there, and you cats, too, have been shedding like crazy trying to get rid of your winter coats!

When My humans brush me, they complain that they “have never seen so much fur”, and “ where does it all come from?”    But then again, they say the same things every year!!! AROOOOOO!!

Granted, between myself, and Dexterer, my feline Brother/ housemate, we do produce a significant amount of fur and dander, but it sure does feel good to shed it, and get extra brushings every day !!!

The month of July not only brings hot weather, but also brings time for humans to enjoy the pools, but all kinds of outdoor activities… some of which includes us… wooof… wooof !!!

Baseball, basketball, pickle ball.. that’s right, pickle ball ! And of course Barbecuing!!!

My favorites are steak and chicken… but not too much, and NO BONES!!!!

July also brings our nations Birthday, the 4th of July !

Our humans celebrate the birth of our great nation, founded in 1776 !!!

Lots of parties and celebrating… so please ask your humans not to celebrate too much, especially if they are driving !!!   DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE!!!!!Enjoy all the activities that the month of July brings, have fun, and don’t overdo!!!

Just a precaution.. please enjoy the fireworks, but leave us home!! The loud noises really hurt our ears!!! And please give us a safe place where we can go to lessen the sounds of the booms and bangs… we will love you for it!!

Until next time,

Woofs and wags,
Brady the Beagle

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