Brady the Beagle-August 2024
Brady The Beagle says….
Greetings my two and four legged friends,
I can’t believe August is here already, and it is Hot, Hot, Hot !!!
So hot that I haven’t even been able to sit on my deck, and enjoy a cool bowl of water !!It’s been so hot that my wildlife friends have been coming closer to the humans than ever before, looking for water… and perhaps an occasional esnack !!!
I know that it is very tempting to “ play” with baby Bambi, but just remember, these animals are WILD !! And momma deer is somewhere very close, watching over her baby. And believe me, if your humans make any move that appears to be threatening, SHE WILL DEFEND HER BABY!!!
That goes for any wildlife your humans may encounter… PLEASE… KEEP A SAFE DISTANCE!!!I have also noticed the squirrels perched on the edge of the birdbath taking sips of water. Ask your humans to keep it filled with cool clean water… after all, the birds,too, need water and of course, enjoy a little bath now and then!!!
Speaking of birds… a little birdie told me that there are some pretty weird, unusual, little-known, and fun Holidays happening in the month of august… here are just a few!!!:
Aug. 3-Nat’l Grab Some Nuts Day
Nat’l watermelon Day
Aug.4-Nat’lAsstisance Dog Day
Aug. 10-Nat’l Lazy Day
Aug. 11-Nat’l Raspberry Cream Pie Day
Aug. 12-13 -Annual Perseid meteor shower peaks,
But can be seen all month
Aug. 19-Nat’l Potato DaySo, let’s have some fun in August!!! AROOOOOO…..!!!
Now for some dog park news… Wooof….Wooof…Wooof…Arooooo…!!!!Some of you may have been upset about the problem with the gate last month, and rightfully so… it was a pain in the …woof… even one of the commissioners got trapped inside… not a pleasant experience for anyone!!!
The Dog Park and the Commissioners apologize for the inconvenience, and have corrected the issues, so hopefully this does not happen again!!!
Until next time,
Woofs and wags,
Brady the Beagle