Mar 9, 2021 | Mayor Candy
Mayor Candy (the Canine Greetings my two and four legged friends: Here we are in the month of March, the month my humans like to call the “windy” month! Well, we survived the worst month of the year which gave us record-setting snowfalls in our little...
Feb 9, 2021 | Mayor Candy
Mayor Candy ( the canine) says Greetings to all my two and four legged friends; Here we are in February already, and only six more weeks until Spring… Woof.. Woof.. and we have been lucky to have had only a few snow storms to speak of. the snow is my favorite...
Jan 1, 2021 | Mayor Candy
Mayor Candy (the Canine) Says: HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my two and four legged friends !!, 2020 was a devastating year for many of our human friends, not only because of COVID-19, but because of the closure of businesses and the loss of jobs for many humans. The death...